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Tavis Smiley Latest Casualty In the "crass" remake of the Chorus Line Song "Ti#s and

I am deeply troubled by the new hypocritical posture of those, mostly White men and women who have chosen to suspend due process and take the cowardice way out by disrupting and destroying the lives of men who have been dismissed from their jobs, and in some instances tried in the Electronic and Print media and found guilty of having sex, and in other instances accused of rape. This is a particularly troubling issue for Black men who are all vulnerable to bearing the lifelong label of "rapist" based on nothing more than the accusation being made by a White person. History is replete with these tragic cases ranging from the Scottsboro Brothers to the Central Park "9".

Rape and sexual misconducts are serious issues that should be prosecuted and those guilty adhere to the decisions of the courts. However, for us, as a nation to abandon one of the cornerstones of our alleged democracy "due process of the law" is immoral and in many instances, the signed, sealed and delivered evidence that mostly White women have the power to appoint a sexist, racist, bigoted homophobe as President of the United States and then in one broad brush bring down an entire industry predicated on the casting couch they have accepted for more than fifty years. It is the insipidly dark history of Black people being attracted to Whites and falling in love with Whites that is perplexing to many trying to reconcile the bloody history of physical castrations of black men, lynchings of Black men and Black men being brought down for their relationships with White women. History is replete with examples of the mere accusation that has led to pervasive pain and suffering for Black men and their families. Clearly, love conquers all and many interracial couples have found sublime happiness in spite of this horrible history and litmus results on race and interracial relationships. But we all sit back in horror and watch this "hunt" take place with many concerns that Whites in positions of power are using this opportunity to silence and remove from positions of authority many progressive Black men who are being removed from powerful positions because of their inability to control their Black penis.

It does not matter whether Tavis and other Black men in this recent dragnet bust involve White women or men. The ongoing stereotype reinforced by 'Reality television" pop music and overall America's fascination with the Black penis, places all of us in a vulnerable position. At any time one can exaggerate, fabricate or rescind their consent of a mutually agreed upon sexual experience and the momentum is there to destroy mostly men by merely making the accusation. It is wrong, it is life-altering and it is the latest example of how America has lost her way. Soon our external and internal cancer and abandonment of moral and ethical basic rights will lead to our self-inflicted implosion.

In the meantime, Americas concentration with matters from the "waist down" has taken the focus off of the world's embarrassment observing our country's slippery spiral from the "moral leader" of the world to a cheap re-release of the Chorus Line song 'ti%s and a$s."

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