Thank You Eminem!
This is for the granola eating Bernie Mac loving liberal progressives, illterate, cowardice, Hip-Hop money whores, church attending, Mercedes driving, bourie opportunists, women hating women, intellectually masturbating-high water pants wearing-Ivy leagued trained- stained scarf scholars, Bama natives with British accents, Senators stalking public bathrooms before they escort their mistresses to abortion clinics, has-been musty R&B and Gospel artists, Viagra taking over the hill rockstars, KKK flag carrying cave dwelling incest survivors, Geraldo Rivera and Ms. Caitlyn "Bruce" Jenner who ALL took an oath to balance Agent Orange Tangerine man on their backs for the next four years while Puerto Rico, Flint, Las Vegas, and the world holds their breath afraid of a nuclear catastrophe. Here's to the new AmeriKKKa.
Thank you Eminem