Biden is too old, forgetful and a noble man haunted by incredible tragedy in his personal life. All of this together makes him a high...
No Apologies and No Love for Our Tormentors
Rarely do Black men with access to the Electronic, Social and Print Media speak blunt, honest truth. Well-intentioned apologists for a...
Liars, Cheaters, Rapist, Appropriators and Murderers
The Electronic, Print and Social media dominated by White males young and old are not calling a "spade a spade." White privilege and the...
The Kicking and Screaming Death of Eurocentrism and White Supremacy- Celebrating The Life Work of Ma
Today one of my colleagues delivered a sound and challenging presentation forcing the listeners to reconsider the impact of slavery on...
Watching the confirmation hearing for the nominated Supreme Court Justice, I was taken back to the days of Anita Hill. It was a painful...
White Liberals and Conservatives Often Common Bedfellows
Ran across this homemade video I made during one of the seasons I appeared on the WGBH show "Sing That Thing." I had a nice run on this...